heiligenschein: translation

   Also known as Cellini's halo, after the Italian artist Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571). Heiligenschein is German for saint's light or holy light. The term is used to denote a "physical illusion consisting of a bright, colourless, or faintly coloured glow that can be seen around the shadow of one's head when looking at bedewed grass at the antisolar point (i.e. a point in the landscape opposite the Sun) while the Sun is at a low elevation angle. Sometimes a surface other than grassland can produce heiligenschein as well, but dewy grass is the medium best known for this effect. The mediation of heiligenschein is attributed to the retro-reflection of sunlight by the dew drops on the grass, as well as the blades of grass themselves. A related phenomenon which occurs while viewing one's shadow cast on smooth water is called the aureole effect. Neither phenomenon should be confused with "Buddha's light or with the "Ulloa circle.
   Lynch, D.K., Livingston, W. (1995). Color and light in nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
   Minnaert, M. (1954). The nature of light & colour in the open air. New York, NY: Dover Publications.

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Heiligenschein: übersetzungKorona* * *Hei|li|gen|schein ['hai̮lɪgn̩ʃai̮n], der; -[e]s, -e:Lichtschein od. Strahlenkranz um das Haupt einer der göttlich... смотреть


Heiligenschein m -(e)s, -e нимб (на иконе); перен. тж. ореол j-m, einer Sache (D) den Heiligenschein nehmen* — лишить ореола святости кого-л., что-л. ... смотреть


m1) венец (на иконе)sich mit einem Heiligenschein umgeben, sich (D) einen Heiligenschein umhängen — ирон. окружить себя ореолом святостиj-n des Heilige... смотреть


mнимб, ореол, сияние, венецSyn:Glorie, Glorienschein, Gloriole, Nimbus


Heiligenschein: übersetzungHeiligenschein, radii (ein Haupt, das mit dem H. umgeben ist, caputradiatum). – od. umschr. divinus capiti circumfusus ignis... смотреть

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